Guided hunts

If you’re looking to hunt with the Guy With The Pink Gun, you’ve come to the right place. Ethan will be guiding hunts again this fall, and there are a few slots still available. If you’re interested in hunting Grouse or Pheasants in South Dakota, check out the information below, and reach out via the form at the bottom of this page.

pheasant hunts

Where: Gettysburg, SD - Browns Hunting Ranch

When: Nov. 9 - 12 or Nov. 13 - 16

Who: We are looking for 3 groups of 8 people, $3,750 per person, or $30,000 for the group.

What: Hunts include 3 days of hunting and 4 nights of lodging. You’ll hunt wild birds. Meals, hunting dogs, and bird cleaning are included. You are welcome to bring your dog if you want to. Ammo and firearms are not included. You’ll need to purchase a South Dakota hunting license.

Grouse hunts

Where: Winner, SD

When: Sept. 27 - 30.

Who: We are looking for 1 group of 5 people, 4 minimum, $3,750 per person, or $18,750 for the group.

What: Hunts include 3 days of hunting and 4 nights of lodging. You’ll hunt wild birds. Meals, hunting dogs, and bird cleaning are included. You are welcome to bring your dog if you want to. Ammo and firearms are not included. You’ll need to purchase a South Dakota hunting license.

Disclaimer: By filling out this form, you are expressing your interest in these hunts. Hunts are booked on a first come, first serve basis and are not guaranteed by filling out this form.