Cali was a great bird finder with an excellent nose. She backed naturally with style and was a closer working dog that felt comfortable ranging between 30 and 50 yards. Cali loved to swim and was an amphibious retriever whether she was retrieving ducks or bumpers.
Cali was very cooperative and willing to please. She actually did all of her steadiness training for her AKC Master Hunter test without an e-collar. Cali was very honest and easy to hunt with. You could take her out hunting and never have to worry about her stealing points, retrieving, or busting birds.
Cali was a very impressive dog and wowed many judges at the AKC Hunt Tests. Cali definitely earned her Master Hunter status with many tough runs in hot, dry conditions!
Cali had a calm temperament and was just as happy to lay in the house and chew on a squeaky toy as she was scouring a CRP field for wily Kansas roosters.
Cali was one of our foundation females but passed away in 2020.